Sunday, December 4, 2022

Diffusion of Innovations

    Video Games have not been around for a long period of time, but even so, there have been hundreds of millions of people who have become avid "gamers". These games allow people an escape from the real world while also being an amazing form of entertainment that can be played for numerous hours. 

    The first mainstream popular video game was made by Atari in 1972, the game was called Pong. It was a game that was about the sport Table Tennis, and it featured two bars that the player would control and have to move in order to hit the ball back and forth. Obviously, video games have changed a lot since the first mainstream one was created 50 years ago. 

    When video games were first introduced to the world, they were thought to be a fun activity that one would partake in when they had nothing better to do. At first it was thought that playing these games were unhealthy for people as they were spending more time sitting down instead of going outside and being active. 

    As time went on and technology started to become increasingly better more people began to invest time into video games, the release of the first SONY Playstation console in 1995 (North America). The intrigue behind these video game consoles is they gave people the ability to be entertained when playing by themselves or with their friends. 

    There were some people that were skeptical about video games for a long time and there are even still people to this day that do not play and/or own any video games. This is due to them believing that there is nothing special about them and that they are a waste of time, the other criticism that has gained more traction lately is, video games can potentially make people aggressive

    Some of the criticisms that people have made are very reasonable as video games can certainly cause people to become less active and may lead to bad posture. I believe the positives of playing video games does outweigh the negatives by quite a bit as it is a great source of entertainment that people can be engrossed in for hours.

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