Sunday, December 4, 2022

In The Age of A.I.

     Over time as technology continues to become more prevalent in our society it has helped a lot of people with communication, entertainment, and safety. As much as technology has helped with the safety of people's lives, it has also caused harmed to their safety as well. 

   I remember years ago when I would be on the computer looking something up, I would go to another website and ads would be popping up for what I was just browsing. It was always intriguing to me as to how the computer knew what I was looking at buying, until years later information started to come out that companies will track everything you do.

 Companies today are able to track almost everything you do online, this can range from the things you look up on your phone or computer and even information you did not know was available on the internet. Facebook has been caught multiple times taking information about people and selling it to third-party companies just to make some money.

    It is not just Facebook that does these types of things, almost every social media and browsing company is involved in something like this. It allows for them to target their consumers with specific things that they are interested in searching for or buying, in return they get a certain percentage of the revenue. 

    The most pressing issue in today's society is how will the development of artificial intelligence impact the human civilization in the future. There have been growing concerns over time about how intelligent will A.I. be, the biggest cause for concern is if they will surpass humans.

    Recently an A.I. system created by Google was able to defeat the number one Go player in the world by using a move that no human had ever thought of using before. This is great cause for concern because it means that Artificial Intelligence has the capability of coming up with ideas that never seemed conceivable to people. 

    The other main issue with A.I. is that they are starting to take a lot of people's jobs, if this trend continues there could end up being a lot more homeless people living in the United States. It is important to make sure that people are able to keep jobs and get paid, so they can afford to live under a roof and provide for their family.

    There is a lot to be worried about for the future of technology, especially with the way everything has been going over the past few years. If something is not done about it could end up being really bad for the future of the world, it is important to make sure that humans are the number one priority, not artificial intelligence.

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