Saturday, November 19, 2022

#6 - EOTO Reflection

    Growing up I always had a love for movies, for as long as I can remember I have been watching movies, my parents are both big movie fans so that was basically going to be a given for me as well. Whenever I am bored the one thing that I can go to is movies; some of my favorites growing up were the Star Wars and Harry Potter franchises. My favorite individual films are Halloween and Seven, these movies are both very thrilling and keep you on the edge of your seat throughout the entire time. This is why I was looking forward to hearing the presentation about the history and impact of motion pictures because they have a big impact on my life.

    A day after the presentations I saw the new Jordan Peele movie, Nope, it was my least favorite of all his films but, the one thing I took away from the film was a small plot point. The characters of the film are related to the black man on the horse in the first movie ever made, this was something that was mentioned in the presentation on motion pictures. Due to the family being related to the man in the movie they decide to run a company renting out horses to be put in movies.

    Movies have been around for over a hundred years and have provided people with hours of entertainment and fun, but they were not always like that. When movies were first introduced, they were black-and-white and silent, mostly everyone knows that, but what they might not know is they were very short films. The first movie ever made was just 2 seconds long and it was a film of a black man on a horse, which is the clip mentioned earlier. This presentation was very interesting to me because I thought I knew a lot about the history of movies, but in fact this was not one of the things I knew, but I am glad to know about it now. 

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