Saturday, November 19, 2022

Antiwar #5

     War is one of the most divisive topics in politics, not just today but throughout time, this is in large part due to people's personal beliefs about the subject. Some people are against it because of their religion which makes them pacifists (against any sort of violence), while others are in favor of war because they believe it is the only right way to bring peace. Both point-of-views have completely valid reasons behind them, not many individuals are clamoring for war to start, but people feel that war can solve some problems that are being had throughout the world. 

    In the media it is made to look like there are a lot of people in the country that are pro-war when in reality the large majority of people want to stay out of the violence. The reasoning behind this has a lot to do with what the governments what, war allows these governments in question to spend however much money they want and nobody can question it. The other part of this is that governments receive money in order to help the war effort, money that they can use to put into other things that could help their country in the long run. 

    Why there are not many news sources that talk about trying to prevent war or are against the war efforts is largely because of the government. The media and government are connected in a way, which is why news outlets are very much in favor of the war effort in Ukraine. The war in Ukraine has really shown the American people how news outlets are very much in favor of stepping into a war and do not care that it will cause thousands of deaths. As long as wars continue to bring governments money, countries will always be very willing to get into one knowing they will come out on top. 


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