Thursday, November 3, 2022

Media Outlets

Today's media has made it challenging to find news sources that are trustworthy and reliable, often times these sources will only share one side of the story or leave out important details. In this blog I will be taking you through some news sources that help keep me informed about important events happening throughout the world.

Instagram is a news source that can provide me with information even when I'm not specifically looking to find anything of the sort, this is because of people posting videos and pictures of whatever they want. The people posting and sharing this information can be those that you follow or those that you had no idea existed until a minute ago. This is because of the explore page on Instagram that allows you to see posts of people you do not follow, there are different categories such as Movies, Photography, News, and many more that you can scroll through to find what you are looking for.

Youtube is a great source to find news as there are popular news sources that post clips from throughout the day that allows people to watch instead of spending an hour in front of the TV waiting for a topic they are interested in. Content creators used to be mostly people who were not well known, but now there are celebrities and politicians that have started posting clips to youtube for people to watch. Nowadays, Youtube gives its creators the opportunity to livestream which in return gives them the ability to keep in touch with fans and provide more content.

NBC News is a popular news source that can be watched on TV but also are found online, they have networks like MSNBC and CNBC that are focused more on the serious, specific news stories. NBC News would be considered more left-wing than right-wing, there would be a bias there that viewers would have to keep an eye out for. The one positive for NBC is that they do not spend as much time bashing other news networks like how CNN and FOX seem to do every day, instead they tend to be more focused on reporting the news and giving the audience what they want. 

FOX News is best known for being a right-wing news source that focuses on the good things that conservatives do and the bad things that liberals do. The news outlet also provides a television network which features an extremely popular program "Tucker Carlson Tonight".  Over the years they have grown an extreme following and have a "rivalry" with left-wing news source CNN, often will FOX make fun of CNN. Overall, it is a news source that can be found to be reliable but it is best if you were to check other sources as well because of the potential for bias.

Snapchat is not something that most people would consider to be a news source as it is often thought of only being used for sending picture to your friends. In the app there are many different "stories" that you can click through showing news that has happened recently in the world. The most well known news service that they provide on snapchat comes from the "Daily Mail" which features a bunch of news stories that people can read or just scroll through. Outside of just normal, everyday news, snapchat also offers news from outlets like TMZ or E! that allow people to keep up with celebrities that they follow.

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